Cast of
The Hanged Man

About The Hanged Man

  • Released on February 15, 1975
  • Drama

The Hanged Man is a British crime drama series that aired on ITV in 1975. It was created and written by Edmund Ward.

Main Cast of The Hanged Man

Gary Watson

Michael Williams

Colin Blakely

Secondary Cast of The Hanged Man

Freda Dowie

William Russell

Tony Jay

Jane Seymour

Jane Seymour

Jane Seymour, OBE (born Joyce Penelope Wilhelmina Frankenberg; 15 February 1951) is an English actress best known for...

See Jane Seymour's other roles

Tenniel Evans

David Daker

John Bay

James Maxwell

Barbara Shelley

Gordon Reid

Gareth Hunt

Jack Watson

Frederick Jaeger