The Execution

The members of a San Diego Wednesday night womens' mah jongg club are five survivors of a Nazi concentration camp. They recognize the owner of a local restaurant, Walter Grossman, as a doctor from the camp who performed experiments on them as young girls. To their horror they learn that he has already been tried as a war criminal and has served but a few years for his crimes. They decide that they will "execute" him, drawing lots to determine which one will perform the act, without letting the others know who it is.

Full Cast of The Execution

Valerie Harper as Hannah Epstein

Valerie Harper

as Hannah Epstein

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Valerie Harper (August 22, 1939-August 30, 2019) was an American actress, kno...

Jessica Walter as Gertrude Simon

Jessica Walter

as Gertrude Simon

Jessica Walter (January 31, 1941 – March 24, 2021) was an American actress, known for appearing in the films Play Mis...