Cast and Crew of The Drowning of Arthur Braxton

Cast of
The Drowning of Arthur Braxton

About The Drowning of Arthur Braxton

When an awkward, heavily bullied schoolboy from a dysfunctional home discovers a beautiful water nymph hiding in an abandoned Edwardian bathhouse, he must confront his own personal demons in order to save them both from the depraved custodian who keeps the enchanted waters alive with the ritual sacrifice of children.

Full Cast of The Drowning of Arthur Braxton

Ben Hawkey
plays Cliff

Ben Hawkey as Cliff

Ben Hawkey has been acting since 2010 and made his American debut in Game of Thrones.

See Ben Hawkey's other roles

Rebecca Hanssen
plays Delphina

Rebecca Hanssen as Delphina

Rebecca Hanssen was born on February 27, 1994 and is currently 30 years old.

See Rebecca Hanssen's other roles