The story revolves around a man trying to uncover the mysterious death of his girlfriend and save an innocent man from the death chamber in the process, by using his unique power to time travel. However in attempting to do this, he also frees a spiteful serial-killer.
Mia Serafino was born on April 19, 1989 in Detroit, Michigan, USA. She is known for her work on Crowded (2016), Shame...
See Mia Serafino's other roles →Rachel Miner (born July 29, 1980) is a Broadway, film and television actress.
See Rachel Miner's other roles →James Christopher "Chris" Carmack (born December 22, 1980) is an American actor and former fashion model. Descriptio...
See Chris Carmack's other roles →Sarah Evelyn Habel was born in Michigan and gained a BA in Theater from Michigan State University. She gained acting ...
See Sarah Habel's other roles →Michael Ellison was born in Ethiopia and fully realized himself as an actor and recording artist in Detroit. The mult...
See Michael Ellison's other roles →