In the captivating world of Terminator Zero, viewers are introduced to a diverse and compelling cast of characters. The narrative is primarily centered around two protagonists, each portrayed by talented voice actors. Malcolm Lee, a man with a mysterious past and an even more enigmatic future, is brought to life by Yuuya Uchida. His voice infuses the character with a depth of emotion and resilience, making Malcolm a character that viewers can't help but root for. On the other hand, Hiro Shimono lends his voice to Kenta, a character whose humble origins and extraordinary circumstances make him a relatable and endearing figure.
At the heart of Terminator Zero's narrative is a thrilling time-travel adventure. In a post-apocalyptic future, a figure known as P Diddy embarks on a mission of utmost importance. He journeys back in time to the year 1997, his objective to safeguard an artificial intelligence scientist. This scientist is the target of an indestructible cyborg, a mechanical being devoid of human emotions and driven by a single-minded purpose. The stakes are high, as the survival of humanity itself may depend on the success of P Diddy's mission.
The plot of Terminator Zero is a suspenseful blend of science fiction and action, with a healthy dose of time-travel paradoxes thrown in for good measure. The stark contrast between the futuristic dystopia and the seemingly mundane setting of 1997 creates a captivating visual disparity. The narrative explores themes of fate, destiny, and the ethical implications of artificial intelligence, all wrapped up in a fast-paced, action-packed storyline. With its compelling characters and intriguing premise, Terminator Zero promises to be a thrilling ride for fans of sci-fi, action, and time-travel stories.
Shizuka Ishigami was born on September 14, 1988 and is currently 36 years old.
Motoki Sakuma (佐久間 元輝, Sakuma Motoki, December 17) is a Japanese male voice actor from Niigata, Japan. He is affiliat...
Satoru Ito (born August 29) is a Japanese voice actor from in Chiba Prefecture, Japan. He is affiliated with Stay Luck.
Saima Nakano (中野 さいま, Nakano Saima, November 26) is a Japanese voice actress born in the city of Ageo, Saitama Prefec...
Taiki Yamashita (山下 タイキ, formerly 山下 大毅, Yamashita Taiki, November 17, 1991) is a Japanese voice actor from Chiba. He...
Cho was born on December 15, 1957 and is currently 66 years old.
Wataru Tsuyuzaki (露崎 亘, Tsuyuzaki Wataru, August 3) is Japanese voice actor from Minamiaizu, Fukushima Prefecture, Ja...
Yohei Azakami was born on August 7, 1991 and is currently 33 years old.
Shohei Kajikawa is a Japanese voice actor affiliated with Kenyu Office.
Wakana Kowaka (小若 和郁那, Kowaka Wakana, November 20th) is a Japanese voice actress from Okayama Prefecture, Japan. She ...
Shomaru Zouza (左座 翔丸, Zōza Shōmaru, October 31) is a Japanese voice actor and stage actor born in Kumamoto Prefecture...
Yuuki Sanpei (三瓶 雄樹, Sanpei Yūki , August 17) is a Japanese voice actor from Tokyo. He is an associate member of the ...
Satsuki Kokubu (國府 咲月, Kokubu Satsuki, born August 10) is a Japanese voice actress from Miyazaki, Japan, associated w...
Seiyu Fujiwara (藤原 聖侑, Fujiwara Seiyu, born July 3) is a Japanese voice actor from Hyōgo Prefecture affiliated with S...
Kosuke Echigoya (越後屋 コースケ, Echigoya Kōsuke, February 26) is a Japanese voice actor and actor from Aichi prefecture. I...
Junichi Yanagita is a Japanese voice actor affiliated with I'm Enterprise.
Kousuke Oonishi (大西 弘祐, Ōnishi Kōsuke, born May 7, 1991) is a Japanese voice actor (seiyū) from Saitama prefecture wh...
Takayuki Ishii (石井 隆之, Ishii Takayuki, born February 10) is a Japanese voice actor born in Ibaraki who is affiliated ...
Sonoya Mizuno (みずの・そのや) (born 1 July 1986) is a Japanese-born British actress, model and ballerina. She is best know...
Tarou Kiuchi was born on February 28, 1994 and is currently 30 years old.
Shizuka Ishigami was born on September 14, 1988 and is currently 36 years old.
Toa Yukinari (行成 とあ, Yukinari Toa, May 11) is a Japanese voice actress from Nagasaki Prefecture. She is affiliated wi...