Tangle is an Australian drama series for the Showcase subscription television channel. It focuses on the tangled lives of two generations of two families. Tangle is filmed in Melbourne and first screened on 1 October 2009. It is written by Fiona Seres, Tony McNamara and Judi McCrossin, and directed by Jessica Hobbs, Matthew Saville and Stuart McDonald. There has so far been 3 seasons.
Episodes of Tangle are now going to be shown on Foxtel channel, SoHo.
Born in 1971 in Auckland, New Zealand, He is a well known actor in New Zealand with over 20 years acting experience J...
Paul Benjamin Mendelsohn (born 3 April 1969) is an Australian actor. He first rose to prominence in Australia for his...
Luke Hemsworth (born 5 November 1980) is an Australian actor who is known for his role as Nathan Tyson in the TV seri...
Daniel Wyllie (born 1970) is an Australian stage, film and television actor. Wyllie began acting in theatre.