Surfside 6 was an ABC television series which aired from 1960 to 1962. The show centered on a Miami Beach detective agency set on a houseboat and featured Troy Donahue as Sandy Winfield II; Van Williams as Kenny Madison; and Lee Patterson as Dave Thorne. Diane McBain co-starred as socialite Daphne Dutton, whose yacht was berthed next to their houseboat. Margarita Sierra also had a supporting role as Cha Cha O'Brien, an entertainer who worked at The Boom Boom Room, a popular Miami Beach hangout at the Fontainebleau Hotel, directly across the street from Surfside 6. Surfside 6 was in fact a real address in Miami Beach, where an unrelated houseboat was moored at the time; it can also be seen in the sweeping aerial establishing shot of the Fontainebleu in 1964's Goldfinger.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Joel Grey (born April 11, 1932) is an American stage and screen actor, singer...
Ellen Burstyn (born Edna Rae Gillooly; December 7, 1932) is an American actress. Known for her portrayal of complicat...
John Marley (October 17, 1907 – May 22, 1984) was an American actor who was known for his role as Phil Cavalleri in L...
Chad Everett, was an American actor who appeared in more than 40 films and television series. He was well known for h...
Ralph Manza was an American screen and television character actor.
Julie Adams (born Betty May Adams; October 17, 1926 – February 3, 2019) was an American actress. Description above f...
Mary Tyler Moore (December 29, 1936 – January 25, 2017) was an American actress, producer, and social advocate. She i...
Vito Giusto Scozzari (January 26, 1918 – June 5, 1996), also known as Vito Scotti, was an American character actor wh...
Dick Tufeld was born on December 11, 1926 and passed away 13 years ago at the age of 85 on January 22, 2012.