Cast and Crew of Steaming

Cast of

About Steaming

A film about self-discovery and triumph based on the popular play.
  • Released on May 22, 1985
  • Drama

Steaming is the final film directed by Joseph Losey. It was adapted from Nell Dunn's play by Patricia Losey and Nell Dunn. It is about three women who meet regularly in a steam room and decide to fight its closure.

Full Cast of Steaming

Vanessa Redgrave
plays Nancy

Vanessa Redgrave as Nancy

Vanessa Redgrave CBE (born 30 January 1937) is an English actress and political activist. Redgrave rose to prominenc...

See Vanessa Redgrave's other roles

Sarah Miles
plays Sarah

Diana Dors
plays Violet

Patti Love
plays Josie

Brenda Bruce
plays Mrs. Meadows

Felicity Dean
plays Dawn Meadows

Felicity Dean as Dawn Meadows

Felicity Dean was born on January 24, 1959 and is currently 65 years old.

See Felicity Dean's other roles

Sally Sagoe
plays Celia

Anna Tzelniker
plays Mrs. Goldstein

Crew of Steaming

Discover the backstage crew of Steaming →