Jack Hollister, aka Skysurfer One, is an extraordinary skydiver who leads a group of vigilante crime fighters known as the Skysurfer Strike Force. Jack's mission is to seek out and defeat the robotic Cybron - a man with a computer for a brain who may have played a sinister role in the mysterious death of Jack's scientist father. The Skysurfers battle Cybron, and his bio-borgs, to stop his attempts at world domination and clear Jack's late father Adam's name, by using anti-gravity skyboards that fly on their own rocket power. This group of daredevils soars the skies at breakneck speeds and performs amazing acrobatic feats in their battle for justice.
The Skysurfers use technologically advanced watches, Digitrans, that transformed them from their casual clothing to their battle attire and weapons; at the same time, their cars transform into rocket-powered surfboards that they can ride in the air.
Shane Meier (born June 11, 1977) is a Canadian actor. He played the title role in The Matthew Shepard Story, a TV fil...
David V. Hope (born October 14, 1964), better known by his stage name, David Kaye, is a Canadian actor who is most ac...
Alvin Sanders was born on March 16, 1952 and is currently 72 years old.
Paul Dobson is an English-Canadian voice actor who works for Ocean Studios and various other studios in Vancouver, Br...
Venus Terzo (born 17 October 1967) is a Canadian actress.
Michael David Donovan is a Canadian voice actor and director known for his voice role as Conan on the series Conan th...
Richard Newman was born on November 2, 1946 and is currently 78 years old.