Cast and Crew of Sky West and Crooked

Cast of
Sky West and Crooked

About Sky West and Crooked

A young, lonely, emotionally challenged teenage girl finds solace in burying dead animals after the sudden traumatic death of a childhood friend 10 years earlier.

Full Cast of Sky West and Crooked

Hayley Mills
plays Brydie White

Hayley Mills as Brydie White

Hayley Catherine Rose Vivien Mills (born 18 April 1946) is an English actress. The daughter of Sir John Mills and Mar...

See Hayley Mills's other roles

Annette Crosbie
plays Mrs. White

Annette Crosbie as Mrs. White

Annette Crosbie was born on February 12, 1934 and is currently 90 years old.

See Annette Crosbie's other roles

Ian McShane
plays Roibin

Ian McShane as Roibin

Ian David McShane (born 29 September 1942) is an English actor. Although he has appeared in numerous films, it is by ...

See Ian McShane's other roles