Shinzo, known as Mushrambo in Japan, is an anime produced by Toei Animation and based on the Chinese legend Journey to the West. In the series, creatures known as Enterrans take over Earth and rename it in their own image: Enterra. Now three Enterrans have to protect the last human in order to restore the human race. The anime focuses primarily on the adventures they undergo while working to accomplish this task.
Yuko Minaguchi is a Japanese voice actress affiliated with Aoni Production.
Minami Takayama (高山 みなみ Takayama Minami, born Izumi Arai (新井 泉 Arai Izumi), May 5, 1964) is a Japanese voice actress ...
Naoki Tatsuta (龍田 直樹, Tatsuta Naoki, September 8, 1950) is a Japanese voice actor and narrator from Iwade Town, Naga ...
Aya Hisakawa is a Japanese voice actress and singer affiliated with Aoni Production. She voices some of her roles in...
Aono Takeshi was a Japanese voice actor and actor affiliated with Aoni Production. He is also known to gamers as the ...