Cast and Crew of Shantit Kranti

Cast of
Shantit Kranti

About Shantit Kranti

A humorous coming of age story of three boys in their late 20's who decide to take a trip to Goa to seek solutions for their existential problems and instead end up in a meditation retreat in Lonavala.

Full Cast of Shantit Kranti

Chetan Dange
plays Pradeep (6 episodes)

Dhananjay Sardeshpande
plays Dhumal kaka (6 episodes)

Abhay Mahajan
plays Shreyas (6 episodes)

Lalit Prabhakar
plays Prasanna (6 episodes)

Alok Rajwade
plays Dinar (6 episodes)

Paula McGlynn
plays Paula (6 episodes)

Shikha Talsania
plays Neha (6 episodes)

Suhita Thatte
plays Kaku (6 episodes)

Bikram Malati
plays Bikram (6 episodes)

Sharon Gless

Sharon Gless

Sharon Gless was born on May 31, 1943 and is currently 80 years old.

See Sharon Gless's other roles

Crew of Shantit Kranti

Discover the backstage crew of Shantit Kranti →