Cast of
Running Brave

About Running Brave

  • Released on November 04, 1983
  • Drama

The story of Billy Mills the American Indian that came from obscurity, to win the 10,000 meter long distance foot race in the Tokyo Olympics.

Full Cast of Running Brave

Robby Benson
plays Billy Mills

Robby Benson as Billy Mills

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Robby Benson (born January 21, 1956) is an American film and television actor...

See Robby Benson's other roles

Pat Hingle
plays Coach Bill Easton

Claudia Cron
plays Pat Mills

August Schellenberg
plays Billy's father

August Schellenberg as Billy's father

August Werner Schellenberg (July 25, 1936 – August 15, 2013) was a Canadian actor. He played Randolph in the first th...

See August Schellenberg's other roles

Graham Greene
plays Eddie Mills

Graham Greene as Eddie Mills

Graham Greene was born on June 22, 1952 in Six Nations Reserve, Ontario, Canada. He is known for his work on The Gree...

See Graham Greene's other roles

Tantoo Cardinal
plays Caroline

Michael J. Reynolds
plays Roger Douglas

Fred Keating
plays TV Sportscaster

Fred Keating as TV Sportscaster

Fred Keating is a Canadian-American actor based in Greater Vancouver, Canada.

See Fred Keating's other roles

Jeff McCracken
plays Dennis Riley

Denis Lacroix
plays Frank Mills

Kendall Smith
plays Young Billy

George Clutesi
plays Ben

Margo Kane
plays Catherine

Derek Campbell
plays Fight Bookmaker

Maurice Wolfe
plays Uncle Chester / Indian Singer / Drummer

Albert Angus
plays Bud

Barbara Blackhorse
plays Young Catherine

Carmen Wolfe
plays Joe American Horse

Crew of Running Brave

Discover the backstage crew of Running Brave →