Cast of
Rule No. 3

About Rule No. 3

  • Released on January 01, 1993
  • Crime

Fact-based story of a con artist (Mitchell Cox, who also scripted and directed) who juggles two swindles while trying to avoid the law.

Full Cast of Rule No. 3

Mitchell Cox
plays Travis West

Marcia Swayze
plays Jennifer

Jerry Rector
plays Bob Skylar

Jerry Rector as Bob Skylar

Jerry Rector was born on September 12, 1958 and is currently 65 years old.

See Jerry Rector's other roles

Allen Perada
plays O'Hara

Bill Falcon
plays Scott Randall

Chuck Morrow
plays Rick Simpson

David Jean Thomas
plays Captain Hampton

Dena Rae Hayess
plays Danielle Reese

Brandon Miller
plays David Compton

Kathleen Randazzo
plays Becky Skylar

Jody Montgomery
plays Bill Skylar

Robert Axelrod
plays Mark

Michael Robbin
plays John

Crew of Rule No. 3

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