Cast and Crew of Rifftrax Live: Rad

Cast of
Rifftrax Live: Rad

About Rifftrax Live: Rad

  • Released on August 17, 2023
  • Comedy

Teens! Bikes! Feathered Hair! Love and revenge! Leotards and acid-washed denim! It’s all here in the legendary Eighties BMX-racing action-drama-romance RAD! Join Mike, Bill, and Kevin as they spin, flip, and slow-bike-dance their way into your hearts, LIVE in theaters nationwide on August 17th! Don’t miss it, if you want to be RAD!

Full Cast of Rifftrax Live: Rad

Bill Allen
plays Cru

Bill Allen as Cru

Allen was born in Wichita, Kansas. He became famous for his role in the 1986 film Rad as BMX racer Cru Jones. Among o...

See Bill Allen's other roles

Lori Loughlin
plays Christian

Ray Walston
plays Burton Timmer

Talia Shire
plays Mrs. Jones

Talia Shire as Mrs. Jones

Talia Shire (born April 25, 1946) is an American actress most known for her roles as Adrian Balboa in the Rocky serie...

See Talia Shire's other roles

Alfie Wise
plays Eliott Dole

Jack Weston
plays Duke Best

Bart Conner
plays Bart Taylor

Crew of Rifftrax Live: Rad

Discover the backstage crew of Rifftrax Live: Rad →