Cast and Crew of Primal Force

Cast of
Primal Force

About Primal Force

Rescuers try to reach plane crash victims that are trapped on an isolated Mexican island populated by mutant baboons. Ron Perlman stars as a troubled guide hired to lead the mission.

Full Cast of Primal Force

Ron Perlman
plays Frank Brodie

Ron Perlman as Frank Brodie

Ronald Perlman (born April 13, 1950) is an American actor and voice-over actor. His best known roles are as Clay Morr...

See Ron Perlman's other roles

Mark Kiely
plays Scott Davis

Roxana Zal
plays Tara Matthews

Roxana Zal as Tara Matthews

Roxana Zal was born on November 8, 1969 and is currently 54 years old.

See Roxana Zal's other roles

Kimberlee Peterson
plays Kelsey Cunningham

Kimberlee Peterson as Kelsey Cunningham

Kimberlee Peterson was born on May 8, 1980 and is currently 44 years old.

See Kimberlee Peterson's other roles

Guillermo Ríos
plays Eddie Mendoza

Richard Fancy
plays Deutsch

Richard Fancy as Deutsch

Richard Ronald Fancy (born August 2, 1943) is an American actor and comedian known for his long recurring role on Sei...

See Richard Fancy's other roles

Julian Sedgwick
plays Stan Kovacs

Ramiro González
plays Boat mate

Crew of Primal Force

Discover the backstage crew of Primal Force →