Prey is a science-fiction television series that aired for one season in 1998 on ABC. The series starred Debra Messing, Adam Storke, Larry Drake, Frankie Faison, James Morrison, and Vincent Ventresca.
Frankie Faison is an American stage and screen actor, best known for his role as Deputy Commissioner Ervin Burrell in...
Dorian Gregory was born on January 26, 1971 and is currently 52 years old.
Vanessa Bell Calloway is an American actress and dancer. She is known for her film roles as Princess Imani Izzi in th...
James Morrison is an American actor.
Roger Howarth was born on September 13, 1968 and is currently 54 years old.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Vincent Paul Gerard Ventresca (born 29 April, 1966 in Indianapolis, Indiana) ...