Cast and Crew of Poochini

Cast of

About Poochini

  • Released on September 07, 2002

Full Cast of Poochini

Billy West
plays Poochini, Walter White, Sr. Garvey, Lockjaw. (26 episodes)

Billy West as Poochini, Walter White, Sr. Garvey, Lockjaw.

William Richard "Billy" West (born April 16, 1950) is an American voice actor. He launched his career in the early 19...

See Billy West's other roles

Dee Bradley Baker
plays Billy White, Bunk, Knucklehead, Snubnose. (26 episodes)

Dee Bradley Baker as Billy White, Bunk, Knucklehead, Snubnose.

Dee Bradley Baker (born August 31, 1962) is an American voice actor. Noted as his long-running-role as Squilliam Fanc...

See Dee Bradley Baker's other roles

Leslie Carrara-Rudolph
plays Wendy White (26 episodes)

Leslie Carrara-Rudolph as Wendy White

Leslie Carrara-Rudolph was born on December 9, 1962 and is currently 61 years old.

See Leslie Carrara-Rudolph's other roles

Maurice LaMarche
plays Dirt (26 episodes)

Maurice LaMarche as Dirt

Maurice LaMarche (born March 30, 1958) is a Canadian voice actor and former stand up comedian. He is best known for h...

See Maurice LaMarche's other roles

Crew of Poochini

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