Cast and Crew of Paulie Go!

Cast of
Paulie Go!

About Paulie Go!

  • Released on May 24, 2022
  • Comedy

A young AI prodigy gets rejected from a world-renowned robotics lab and does what any rational teenager would do -- steals a van and drive cross-country to Minnesota to track down the professor who turned him down.

Full Cast of Paulie Go!

Ethan Dizon
plays Paulie Go / Young Paulie

Ethan Dizon as Paulie Go / Young Paulie

Ethan C. Dizon is an American actor, best known for playing Pete in The Inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete. His most ...

See Ethan Dizon's other roles

Madison Wolfe
plays Avery Anderson

David Theune
plays Sheriff Anderson

Tracie Thoms
plays Cheryl

Tracie Thoms as Cheryl

Tracie Nicole Thoms is an Emmy-nominated American television, film, and stage actress and singer. She is known for he...

See Tracie Thoms's other roles

Bernard White
plays Chuck Shikenjanski

Bernard White as Chuck Shikenjanski

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Bernard White (born June 8, 1959) is an American actor, screenwriter and film ...

See Bernard White's other roles

Corinne Chooey
plays Grace Go

Dan Lovinaria
plays Uncle David

Grace Olsen
plays Cousin Jessica

Haihua Wei
plays Paulie's Aunt

Kate Flannery
plays University Receptionist

Kate Flannery as University Receptionist

Katherine Patricia "Kate" Flannery (born June 10, 1964) is an American actress best known for playing the role of Mer...

See Kate Flannery's other roles

Deborah Tucker
plays Betty

Alan Johnson
plays Ed

James Robert Miller
plays Cliff

L.J. Johnson
plays Bait Store Clerk

Darrick Mosely
plays Brandon

Derek Prestly
plays Jason

Kim Greene
plays Resort Owner

Jacy King
plays Woman on Dock

Charles Hubbell
plays Doctor

Rachel Sharp
plays Nurse

Sarah Brown
plays Female Deputy

Sarah Brown is an stunts, actress and producer.

See Sarah Brown's other roles

Vaughn Meccod
plays Male Deputy

Matt Olson
plays Truck Driver

Deborah Tucker
plays Betty

Crew of Paulie Go!

Discover the backstage crew of Paulie Go! →