Cast and Crew of Palace of Devotion

Cast of
Palace of Devotion

About Palace of Devotion

  • Released on March 20, 2021
  • Drama

Orphaned as a child, Liu E travels to the capital Kaifeng, and later catches the eye of Zhao Heng. Though she was a concubine, Liu E was perceptive to state affairs, and often discussed politics with Zhao Heng. This tradition continued when he became emperor in 997.

Liu E is crowned empress after adopting the son of a concubine (later Emperor Renzong), and serves as regent of the Song Dynasty during the last two years of her husband’s reign. Liu E would continue to rule until her death twelve years later in 1033.

Full Cast of Palace of Devotion

Wu Mouchou
plays Princess Tie Jing

Wu Mouchou as Princess Tie Jing

Wu Mouchou was born on April 18, 1992 and is currently 32 years old.

See Wu Mouchou's other roles