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Tinto Brass
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Movie Credits
Tinto Brass has appeared in 48 movies.
Recently Released (2020 - 2024)
Released in the 2010s
Case Chiuse
Released in the 2000s
Impotenti esistenziali
Tinto Brass: The Orgy Of Power
My Roman Holiday With John Steiner
Adolfo Celi, a Man for Two Worlds
Western all'italiana
Released in the 1990s
Quando l'Italia non era un paese povero
Released in the 1980s
Released in the 1970s
Released in the 1960s
Recently Released (2020 - 2024)
Released in the 2010s
Released in the 2000s
Released in the 1990s
Released in the 1980s
Released in the 1970s
Released in the 1960s