Stephen Tung Wai

Stephen Tung Wai
Movie and TV Credits

Movie Credits

Stephen Tung Wai has appeared in 5 movies.

These include Hard Boiled, Return Engagement, Once Upon a Time in China V, Kung Fu Stuntmen and Twin Dragons.

TV Credits

Stephen Tung Wai has appeared in 4 TV Series.

These include The Understudy, The Restless Trio, It Takes Three and The Old Miao Myth.

Production Credits

Stephen Tung Wai has 11 production credits.


Credited for Stunts in 1 show - Silk.
Credited for Martial Arts Choreographer in 3 shows - Revenge in Hong Kong, Return Engagement and The Tigers.
Credited for Stunt Coordinator in 2 shows - Seven Swords and Reign of Assassins.
Credited for Choreographer in 2 shows - The Blade and Downtown Torpedoes.


Credited for Action Director in 2 shows - Crocodile Hunter and Beast Stalker.
Credited for Director in 1 show - Contract Killer.