Sophie Kargman

Sophie Kargman
Movie and TV Credits

Movie Credits

Sophie Kargman has appeared in 4 movies.

These include The Believer, Home Shopper, The Girlfriend Game and Custom Order.

TV Credits

Sophie Kargman has appeared in 4 TV Series.

These include New Girl, Franklin & Bash, Criminal Minds and The Mentalist.

Production Credits

Sophie Kargman has 8 production credits.


Credited for Director in 2 shows - Query and Susie Searches.


Credited for Executive Producer in 1 show - Susie Searches.
Credited for Producer in 2 shows - Custom Order and Query.
Credited for Co-Producer in 1 show - The Girlfriend Game.


Credited for Story in 1 show - Susie Searches.
Credited for Writer in 1 show - Query.