Paul Giamatti

Paul Giamatti
Movie and TV Credits

Paul Giamatti was born on June 6, 1967 and is currently 57 years old.

About Paul Giamatti

Meet Paul Edward Valentine Giamatti, an American actor born on June 6, 1967, who has made a significant impact in the film industry. Giamatti started his career in the 90s as a supporting actor in several box office hits and critically acclaimed movies, such as "Private Parts," "The Truman Show," "Saving Private Ryan," "The Negotiator," and "Man on the Moon." His talent and dedication soon earned him lead roles in the 2000s, including "American Splendor," "Sideways," "Cinderella Man," "The Illusionist," "John Adams," "Cold Souls," and "Barney's Version." With his impressive body of work, Giamatti has become a respected and admired figure in the entertainment world.

Movie Credits

Paul Giamatti has appeared in 99 movies.

Some of Paul Giamatti's most popular movies include:

TV Credits

Paul Giamatti has appeared in 32 TV Series.

Some of the most popular TV Shows include:

Production Credits

Paul Giamatti has 5 production credits.


Credited for Thanks in 1 show - Wax Paul Now.


Credited for Executive Producer in 3 shows - John Dies at the End, Outsiders and Lodge 49.


Credited for Director in 1 show - Breakthrough.