Michael Rapaport

Michael Rapaport
Movie and TV Credits

The person Michael Rapaport was born on March 20, 1970 and is currently 54 years old.

About Michael Rapaport

Meet Michael David Rapaport, a talented American actor and comedian who has made his mark in over 40 films since the early 90s! On the small screen, he's best known for his memorable roles in TV series like "Boston Public," "Prison Break," "Friends," and "The War at Home."

Michael's versatility shines through in his ability to seamlessly transition between dramatic and comedic roles. Some of his notable film performances include "Metro," "Deep Blue Sea," and "Higher Learning." His talent doesn't stop there - he's also delivered outstanding performances in recurring roles on popular shows such as "Friends," "The War at Home," "My Name is Earl," and "Prison Break."

When he's not making us laugh or cry on screen, Michael enjoys spending quality time with his family. He's married to Nichole Beattie, and they share the joy of raising their two adorable sons, Julian Ali and Maceo Shane.

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Movie Credits

Michael Rapaport has appeared in 78 movies.

Michael Rapaport's most popular movies include:

TV Credits

Michael Rapaport has appeared in 44 shows.

Some of the most popular TV Shows include:

Production Credits

Michael Rapaport has 11 production credits.


Credited for Additional Camera in 1 show - Beats Rhymes & Life: The Travels of A Tribe Called Quest.



Credited for Executive Producer in 2 shows - 29 Palms and The Supporters.
Credited for Producer in 3 shows - 30 for 30, Alekesam and When the Garden Was Eden.