Lee Soo

Lee Soo
Movie and TV Credits

Lee Soo was born on October 10, 1993 and is currently 30 years old.

About Lee Soo

Lee Soo is a prominent figure in the South Korean entertainment industry, particularly known for her work as an AV actress. For those unfamiliar with the term, AV stands for "Adult Video," a genre that Lee Soo has mastered with her captivating performances. Her career in this field has not only made her a household name in South Korea but also gained her a significant following internationally.

Lee Soo's journey in the AV industry began when she was discovered by a talent scout who was impressed by her natural charisma and undeniable beauty. She started her career with small roles but quickly rose to fame due to her talent and dedication. Her performances are known for their authenticity and intensity, which has set her apart from her peers in the industry. Despite the often controversial nature of her work, Lee Soo has managed to maintain a level of professionalism and respectability that is rare in her field.

Beyond her work in AV, Lee Soo is also known for her philanthropy and activism. She has used her platform to raise awareness about various social issues, including women's rights and sex worker rights. Her advocacy has earned her respect and admiration from her fans and peers alike. Despite the challenges and stigma that come with her profession, Lee Soo continues to break barriers and challenge stereotypes, proving that she is more than just an AV actress - she is a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry.

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Movie Credits

Lee Soo has appeared in 93 movies.

Some of Lee Soo's most popular movies include:

TV Credits

Lee Soo has appeared in 1 TV Series.

These include Daily Dose of Sunshine.