Julian Black Antelope

Julian Black Antelope
Movie and TV Credits

About Julian Black Antelope

Julian Black Antelope is a Canadian actor and stunt performer of Irish and First nation’s decent. He has also written, directed, produced or edited many independent short films and video documentaries.

Movie Credits

Julian Black Antelope has appeared in 14 movies.

Some of Julian Black Antelope's most popular movies include:

TV Credits

Julian Black Antelope has appeared in 4 TV Series.

These include Tribal, Hell on Wheels, Debris and The Flash.

Production Credits

Julian Black Antelope has 7 production credits.


Credited for Stunt Coordinator in 1 show - True Fiction.


Credited for Producer in 4 shows - Consume, Knuckleball, Harpoon and True Fiction.
Credited for Associate Producer in 1 show - Fake Blood.


Credited for Writer in 1 show - Consume.