Julian Barratt

Julian Barratt
Movie and TV Credits

Julian Barratt was born on May 4, 1968 and is currently 56 years old.

About Julian Barratt

Julian Barratt is a British film and television actor, comedian, musician and music producer, best known for playing Howard Moon in the cult comedy The Mighty Boosh.

Movie Credits

Julian Barratt has appeared in 34 movies.

Some of Julian Barratt's most popular movies include:

TV Credits

Julian Barratt has appeared in 35 TV Series.

Some of the most popular TV Shows include:

Production Credits

Julian Barratt has 15 production credits.


Credited for Screenplay in 1 show - Mindhorn.
Credited for Writer in 3 shows - Asylum, The Mighty Boosh and Curtains.


Credited for Associate Producer in 2 shows - The Mighty Boosh and Mindhorn.
Credited for Executive Producer in 1 show - The Mighty Boosh: Journey of the Childmen.


Credited for Director in 2 shows - Curtains and ABCs of Death 2.


Credited for Editor in 1 show - ABCs of Death 2.


Credited for Music in 1 show - The Mighty Boosh.


Credited for Creator in 4 shows - The Boosh, The Mighty Boosh, Sally4Ever and Lost Treasures of Rome.