Jose Canseco
Movie and TV Credits

Jose Canseco was born on July 2, 1964 and is currently 60 years old.

Movie Credits

Jose Canseco has appeared in 8 movies.

These include Slamma Jamma, Jack of all Trades, Jose Canseco: The Truth Hurts, 3 Years in Pakistan: The Erik Aude Story, The Day The Series Stopped, Springfield of Dreams: The Legend of Homer Simpson, Lord of the Freaks and Piranha Sharks.

TV Credits

Jose Canseco has appeared in 7 TV Series.

These include Half & Half, The Tony Danza Show, The Surreal Life, Pro-Am Poker Equalizer, MLB World Series, The Simpsons and Jimmy Kimmel Live!.

Production Credits

Jose Canseco has 1 production credit.


Credited for Executive Producer in 1 show - Jose Canseco: The Truth Hurts.