Jin Chen

Jin Chen
Movie and TV Credits

Jin Chen was born on September 5, 1990 and is currently 33 years old.

About Jin Chen

Gina Chen Jin was born on September 5, 1990 in Jinan, Shandong, China as Jin Chen. She is an actress, known for 'Croczilla' (2012), Song of the Assassins (2018) and S.W.A.T. (2019).

Movie Credits

Jin Chen has appeared in 12 movies.

These include No More Bets, Mr. Pride VS Miss. Prejudice, 2022年中央广播电视总台中秋晚会, Dragon Force: So Long Ultraman, 脱口秀跨年, All in All For Ever, Ghost Leader, 201314, Ghost blows out the light 2, Ghost Blows Out the Light 3, S.W.A.T. and Song of the Assassins.

TV Credits

Jin Chen has appeared in 31 TV Series.

Some of the most popular TV Shows include: