Jasmila Žbanić

Jasmila Žbanić
Movie and TV Credits

Jasmila Žbanić was born on December 19, 1974 and is currently 49 years old.

About Jasmila Žbanić

Jasmila Žbanić is a film writer and director from Bosnia and Herzegovina, best known for winning the Golden Bear at the International Filmfestival Berlin in 2006 for her feature film "Grbavica". She's a graduate of the Department for Theater and Film Directing at the Academy of Performing Arts, Sarajevo.

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Movie Credits

Jasmila Žbanić has appeared in 4 movies.

These include Scenes from the Life of BH Film, Images from the Corner, Somewhere Else and Balkan Spirit.

Production Credits

Jasmila Žbanić has 28 production credits.



Credited for Development Producer in 1 show - Mare.


Credited for Screenplay in 2 shows - Grbavica: The Land of My Dreams and One Day in Sarajevo.