Jack Sheldon

Jack Sheldon
Movie and TV Credits

Jack Sheldon was born on November 30, 1931 and passed away 4 years ago at the age of 88 on December 27, 2019.

About Jack Sheldon

Jack Sheldon was the son of Jen Loven (1909-1989), who taught many of the Hollywood entertainment elite and their children to swim at her famous Jen Loven Swim School in Hollywood. Jack was known mostly for his sidekick status on the The Merv Griffin Show (1962) in the 1970s.

Movie Credits

Jack Sheldon has appeared in 10 movies.

These include Hard Time, Trying to Get Good: The Jazz Odyssey of Jack Sheldon, Schoolhouse Rock! (Special 30th Anniversary Edition), Hard Time: The Premonition, Schoolhouse Rock: Science (Classroom Edition), For the Boys, Let's Get Lost, Dear God, Freaky Friday and Radioland Murders.

TV Credits

Jack Sheldon has appeared in 14 TV Series.

Some of the most popular TV Shows include:

Production Credits

Jack Sheldon has 1 production credit.


Credited for Musician in 1 show - The Killing of a Chinese Bookie.