Harald Belker

Harald Belker
Movie and TV Credits

Harald Belker was born on January 1, 1961 and is currently 63 years old.

About Harald Belker

Harald Georg Belker is a German entertainment/automotive/product designer best known for his vehicle designs in films such as Batman & Robin and Minority Report. His designs range from fantastic entertainment designs to ergonomic user-friendly product design.

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Movie Credits

Harald Belker has appeared in 1 movie.

These include The Batmobile.

TV Credits

Harald Belker has appeared in 1 TV Series.

These include Motor City Masters.

Production Credits

Harald Belker has 7 production credits.


Credited for Production Illustrator in 5 shows - Batman & Robin, Deep Blue Sea, Spider-Man, Constantine and Serenity.
Credited for Conceptual Illustrator in 2 shows - Death Race and Battleship.