Grant Morrison

Grant Morrison
Movie and TV Credits

Grant Morrison was born on January 31, 1960 and is currently 64 years old.

About Grant Morrison

Grant Morrison (born 31 January 1960) is a Scottish comic book writer, playwright and occultist. They are known for their nonlinear narratives and counter-cultural leanings, as well as their successful runs on titles like Animal Man, Doom Patrol, JLA, The Invisibles, New X-Men, Fantastic Four, All-Star Superman, and Batman. Morrison has become more involved in screenwriting and has written numerous scripts and treatments.

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Movie Credits

Grant Morrison has appeared in 17 movies.

Some of Grant Morrison's most popular movies include:

TV Credits

Grant Morrison has appeared in 4 TV Series.

These include Superpowered: The DC Story, Superheroes: A Never-Ending Battle, Prisoners of Gravity and Titans.

Production Credits

Grant Morrison has 18 production credits.



Credited for Characters in 1 show - Son of Batman.
Credited for Writer in 2 shows - All Star Superman and HAPPY!.
Credited for Comic Book in 1 show - The Brave and the Bold.
Credited for Teleplay in 1 show - Brave New World.


Credited for Director in 1 show - 42 One Dream Rush.


Credited for Creator in 2 shows - HAPPY! and Brave New World.


Credited for Executive Producer in 1 show - Brave New World.