Faye Marsay

Faye Marsay
Movie and TV Credits

Faye Marsay was born on December 30, 1986 and is currently 37 years old.

About Faye Marsay

Faye Marsay (born 30 December 1986) is an English stage and screen actress, best known for her roles  in TV series such as The White Queen, Love Nina, Glue, Fresh Meat, Doctor Who, Black Mirror and Game of Thrones and for films such as Pride and You, Me and Him.

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Movie Credits

Faye Marsay has appeared in 11 movies.

These include Doctor Who: Last Christmas, You, Me and Him, Shamed, Seconds Out, Is That It?, Lady Chatterley's Lover, A Private War, Pride, Andor: A Disney+ Day Special Look, Game of Thrones: The Last Watch and Darkest Hour.

TV Credits

Faye Marsay has appeared in 14 TV Series.

Some of the most popular TV Shows include: