Eva Ceja

Eva Ceja
Movie and TV Credits

About Eva Ceja

Eva is originally from Seattle, Washington. A huge Musical Theatre kid. She studied at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London in the Foundation program, Graduated from the Prestigious Second City Improv/writing Conservatory Program, and currently studies at Annie Grindley and Anthony Gilardi Acting Studio here in Hollywood California. She is a huge Crossfitter, studies Muay Thai Martial Arts daily at Muay Thai American in noho and is currently getting her Masters Degree in History.

She lives in Hollywood with her two adorable cats, loves spin class, Crossfit, and her two favorite movies are True Romance and the Fifth Element. www.evaceja.com/resume

Social Media Links

Movie Credits

Eva Ceja has appeared in 16 movies.

Some of Eva Ceja's most popular movies include:

TV Credits

Eva Ceja has appeared in 2 TV Series.

These include iCarly and Hello Ladies.

Production Credits

Eva Ceja has 15 production credits.


Credited for Unit Production Manager in 3 shows - Swim, Devil's Triangle and Butch vs. Sundance.