Erien Joe'lle Davis

Erien Joe'lle Davis
Movie and TV Credits

Erien Joe'lle Davis was born on November 13, 1998 and is currently 25 years old.

About Erien Joe'lle Davis

AMERICAN JEWISH ARTIST, ILLUSTRATOR, PRODUCER, COMPOSER, AT HIS COMPANY AND NOW A OWNER AT DOLBY®️.He currently works with Dolby and is president over the illustration department.

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Movie Credits

Erien Joe'lle Davis has appeared in 1 movie.

These include Zombie Girl: The Movie.

Production Credits

Erien Joe'lle Davis has 5 production credits.


Credited for Digital Effects Producer in 1 show - The Batman.


Credited for Art Direction Intern in 1 show - St. Zombie Girls' High School.


Credited for Co-Executive Producer in 1 show - Princess with the iron fan.

Visual Effects

Credited for VFX Artist in 1 show - Zombie Girl: The Movie.
Credited for VFX Lighting Artist in 1 show - High School Girl Zombie.