Emma D'Arcy

Emma D'Arcy
Movie and TV Credits

Emma D'Arcy was born on June 27, 1992 and is currently 32 years old.

About Emma D'Arcy

Emma Zia D'Arcy (born 27 June 1992) is an English actor. They are known for their roles in the BBC drama Wanderlust (2018), the Amazon Prime series Truth Seekers (2020), and the HBO fantasy series House of the Dragon (2022–), the lattermost of which earned them critical acclaim and a Golden Globe Award nomination.

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Movie Credits

Emma D'Arcy has appeared in 6 movies.

These include House of the Dragon: The House That Dragons Built, For People in Trouble, They Heard Him Shout Allahu Akbar, Mothering Sunday, O Holy Ghost and Misbehaviour.

TV Credits

Emma D'Arcy has appeared in 5 TV Series.

These include Hanna, Wanderlust, House of the Dragon, Truth Seekers and Wild Bill.