Ed Begley Jr.

Ed Begley Jr.
Movie and TV Credits

Ed Begley Jr. was born on September 16, 1949 and is currently 75 years old.

About Ed Begley Jr.

Edward James "Ed" Begley, Jr. (born September 16, 1949) is an American actor and environmentalist. Begley is perhaps best known for his role as Dr. Mark Craig's intern, Dr. Victor Ehrlich, on the television series St. Elsewhere, for which he received six consecutive Emmy Award nominations. He currently has a reality show about green living called Living With Ed on Planet Green with his wife, actress Rachelle Carson.

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Movie Credits

Ed Begley Jr. has appeared in 159 movies.

Some of Ed Begley Jr.'s most popular movies include:

TV Credits

Ed Begley Jr. has appeared in 105 TV Series.

Some of the most popular TV Shows include:

Production Credits

Ed Begley Jr. has 2 production credits.


Credited for Thanks in 1 show - Inherent Vice.


Credited for Camera Operator in 1 show - Equinox.