Drew Bailey

Production Credits

Drew Bailey has 21 production credits.


Credited for Third Assistant Director in 1 show - Scooby-Doo.
Credited for Second Assistant Director in 1 show - X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
Credited for Second Second Assistant Director in 1 show - Superman Returns.
Credited for Assistant Director in 1 show - Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones.


Credited for Line Producer in 1 show - Transfusion.
Credited for Producer in 4 shows - Miracle Fish, Standing Up for Sunny, Ascendant and June Again.
Credited for Executive Producer in 1 show - Viva the Underdogs.
Credited for Co-Producer in 1 show - Terminus.


Credited for Assistant Editor in 1 show - Rats in the Ranks.