Denise Lynne Roberts

Denise Lynne Roberts
Movie and TV Credits

Denise Lynne Roberts was born on July 5, 1961 and passed away 21 years ago at the age of 41 on March 22, 2003.

About Denise Lynne Roberts

Denise Lynne Roberts was born on July 5, 1961. She was a stuntwoman and actress. She died on March 22, 2003 of cancer.

Movie Credits

Denise Lynne Roberts has appeared in 5 movies.

These include Other People's Money, Stepmonster, Body of Influence, Love Is Like That and Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

TV Credits

Denise Lynne Roberts has appeared in 2 TV Series.

These include Melrose Place and Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Production Credits

Denise Lynne Roberts has 25 production credits.


Credited for Stunt Double in 4 shows - Death Becomes Her, 2 Days in the Valley, Total Reality and Menno's Mind.