David Weil

David Weil
Movie and TV Credits

Movie Credits

David Weil has appeared in 1 movie.

These include Pass the Light.

Production Credits

David Weil has 18 production credits.


Credited for Story in 1 show - Citadel.
Credited for Teleplay in 1 show - Citadel.
Credited for Writer in 4 shows - Hunters, Solos, Invasion and Citadel.


Credited for Executive Producer in 5 shows - Citadel: Diana, Untitled Indian Citadel Installment, Hunters, Solos and Invasion.


Credited for Production Design in 1 show - Solos.


Credited for Director in 2 shows - Hunters and Solos.


Credited for Creator in 4 shows - Hunters, Solos, Invasion and Citadel.