David Hartman

David Hartman
Movie and TV Credits

Movie Credits

David Hartman has appeared in 4 movies.

These include The Feminist and the Fuzz, Nobody's Perfect, The Ballad of Josie and Firehawk.

TV Credits

David Hartman has appeared in 5 TV Series.

These include The Call of Echo Mountain, Ironside, The Carol Burnett Show, The Mike Douglas Show and The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson.

Production Credits

David Hartman has 6 production credits.


Credited for Cinematography in 1 show - The Call of Echo Mountain.
Credited for Digital Effects Producer in 1 show - The Call of Echo Mountain.


Credited for Director in 1 show - The Call of Echo Mountain.


Credited for Editor in 1 show - The Call of Echo Mountain.


Credited for Sound in 1 show - The Call of Echo Mountain.


Credited for Writer in 1 show - The Call of Echo Mountain.