
Movie and TV Credits

Movie Credits

Costa-Gavras has appeared in 12 movies.

These include The Méliès Mystery, Looking for Athènes, What Is Cinema?, Searching for Mr. Rugoff, Henri Langlois vu par..., Film, the Living Record of Our Memory, Entangling Shadows, Crítico, The Stupids, Magician: The Astonishing Life and Work of Orson Welles, Spies Like Us and Burke & Hare.

TV Credits

Costa-Gavras has appeared in 2 TV Series.

These include Nulle part ailleurs and Vivement dimanche.

Production Credits

Costa-Gavras has 11 production credits.


Credited for Assistant Director in 1 show - Joy House.


Credited for Producer in 1 show - The Ax.


Credited for Screenplay in 1 show - Missing.
Credited for Writer in 1 show - Hanna K..