Chris Sheridan
Movie and TV Credits

Chris Sheridan was born on September 19, 1967 and is currently 56 years old.

Movie Credits

Chris Sheridan has appeared in 3 movies.

These include Family Guy Presents: Something, Something, Something, Dark Side, Family Guy Presents: It's a Trap! and Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story.

TV Credits

Chris Sheridan has appeared in 3 TV Series.

These include Bordertown, The Cleveland Show and Family Guy.

Production Credits

Chris Sheridan has 13 production credits.


Credited for Executive Producer in 2 shows - Family Guy and Resident Alien.
Credited for Producer in 2 shows - Titus and Yes, Dear.
Credited for Supervising Producer in 1 show - Titus.


Credited for Teleplay in 1 show - Resident Alien.


Credited for Creator in 1 show - Resident Alien.