Chris Langham

Chris Langham
Movie and TV Credits

Movie Credits

Chris Langham has appeared in 12 movies.

These include While You Were Sleeping, The Legend of the Tamworth Two, The McGuffin, Soft Targets, The Emperor's New Clothes, Of Muppets & Men, Life of Brian, Carry On Columbus, Silas Marner, I Love Muppets, The Pink Panther Strikes Again and Phoelix.

TV Credits

Chris Langham has appeared in 7 TV Series.

These include People Like Us, Help, Not The Nine O'Clock News, The Secret Policeman's Ball, Murder Most Horrid, The Muppet Show and The Comic Strip Presents.

Production Credits

Chris Langham has 5 production credits.


Credited for Producer in 1 show - Help.


Credited for Writer in 3 shows - The Muppet Show, Help and The Art of Football from A to Z.


Credited for Presenter in 1 show - Terry Wogan's Friday Night.