Chloe Dykstra

Chloe Dykstra
Movie and TV Credits

Chloe Dykstra was born on September 15, 1988 and is currently 35 years old.

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Movie Credits

Chloe Dykstra has appeared in 13 movies.

These include Diminuendo, The Treasure of Painted Forest, The Science of Doctor Who, The Dark Knight Legacy, The Timey-Wimey of Doctor Who, Legends of Sleepy Hollow, The Women of Doctor Who, House of Demons, Video Games: The Movie, Free LSD, Slap, Drag Me to Hell and Spider-Man 2.

TV Credits

Chloe Dykstra has appeared in 4 TV Series.

These include TableTop, Heroes of Cosplay, Legends of Sleepy Hollow and BoJack Horseman.

Production Credits

Chloe Dykstra has 1 production credit.


Credited for Co-Producer in 1 show - Free LSD.