Casper Christensen

Casper Christensen
Movie and TV Credits

Casper Christensen was born on August 22, 1968 and is currently 55 years old.

About Casper Christensen

Casper was born in Birkerød, Denmark in 1968. In 1987, he bought a tape Of American stand up comedian Steve Martin. Casper admired the Oscar-host to-be greatly. As did his co-workers on _Casper & Mandrilaftalen (1999)_, Frank Hvam, Lasse Rimmer and Lars Hjortshøj, Casper started out in stand-up comedy. His work in this business led to a deal with Danish TV-network DR, and Casper started doing a children's show called Hvaffor en hånd (1991). After doing a couple of shows for the young Danish people, Casper hit the big time with quiz show _"Husk lige tandbørsten" (1994)_, which he hosted, with help from Annette Toftgårdm whom he later married. _"Husk lige tandbørsten" (1994)_ had made Casper the darling of Danish television. A status which was jeopardized with Casper's follow-up: Safari (1996), which he made with his friend Lars Hjortshøj.

Movie Credits

Casper Christensen has appeared in 19 movies.

Some of Casper Christensen's most popular movies include:

TV Credits

Casper Christensen has appeared in 12 TV Series.

These include Where Are They Now?, Klovn, Wild Flower, Casper og drengene fra Brasilien, Showbiz Tonight, All Exclusive, Gomorron, Undskyld, Norge, Casper & Mandrilaftalen, Tæskeholdet, Grethe and Deja-vu med Frøkjær.

Production Credits

Casper Christensen has 30 production credits.


Credited for Screenplay in 2 shows - Klown and Klown Forever.


Credited for Director in 1 show - Robots.



Credited for Executive Producer in 1 show - Klown Forever.