Carrie Anne Fleming

Carrie Anne Fleming
Movie and TV Credits

Carrie Anne Fleming was born on August 16, 1974 and is currently 49 years old.

About Carrie Anne Fleming

Carrie Anne (height 5' 7" (1,70 m)) Fleming was discovered by Dario Argento when he cast her in the title role of JENIFER. Playing a horribly disfigured woman with the ability to seduce men and bring them to eventual ruin before moving on to the next victim was a role she really sank her teeth into. Dario Argento, upon working with her said ...."I was inspired by the raw truth...having such a fine, sensitive actress by my side...I told her she must come to this role with great will and conviction..the role was very difficult, even unpleasant for an actress. I needed a certain type of woman. Like she had been living in the wild. She is a very special kind of actor and she was very eager to make a good movie."

Movie Credits

Carrie Anne Fleming has appeared in 9 movies.

These include Jenifer, Moment of Truth: Into the Arms of Danger, The Tooth Fairy, Rememory, That Burning Feeling, Married Life, Hard Ride to Hell, Edison and Happy Gilmore.

TV Credits

Carrie Anne Fleming has appeared in 19 TV Series.

Some of the most popular TV Shows include: