Carl Anthony Nespoli

Carl Anthony Nespoli
Movie and TV Credits

About Carl Anthony Nespoli

Carl Nespoli is an American actor, stuntman, and stunt coordinator.

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Movie Credits

Carl Anthony Nespoli has appeared in 3 movies.

These include Game of Death, Reprisal and Extraction.

TV Credits

Carl Anthony Nespoli has appeared in 3 TV Series.

These include Class of '09, Everybody Hates Chris and The Outsider.

Production Credits

Carl Anthony Nespoli has 20 production credits.


Credited for Stunt Double in 3 shows - Empire State, Get Hard and Creed III.
Credited for Driver in 1 show - Black Widow.
Credited for Stunt Driver in 4 shows - Gun, Now You See Me, Avengers: Infinity War and Black Widow.
Credited for Utility Stunts in 1 show - Assassination Nation.